SKY STONE STUDIOS Sky Stone Studios , is a Ugandan Animation Studio based in Kampala , known for it's support in the Animation industry in Uganda. Sky Stone Studios started in 2020 as a small animation Studio producing a variety of works. Blog INSTAGRAM PINTEREST PATREON FACEBOOK YOUTUBE Subscribe follow. Like. Share. Comment. And join us today.
SKY STONE STUDIOS VIDEOS Hi every one welcome to the Sky Stone Studios Videos You can asses all our videos on YOUTUBE Don"t forget SUBSCRIBING to the channel... THANKS
Best projects to create in Blender 3D Content Motion tracking Creating Short Animated movies Creating short VFX videos Motion tracking. You can use blender to create some cool work using the tracking system. This system helps you track the real world and later put in 3D assets such as animals or other character. Creating Short Animated movies. Life is Great Animated Short Movie by Lightberg Studios This is so far one of the best achievements an animation artist achieve. A short Animation can be of about 5-10 mins. This some times will need a well experienced artist in a rang of 3D sectors ranging from character modeling to animating. Creating Short VFX videos. Some artists have gone viral on different social Media platforms due to the cool VFX they create. This can be made using blender and other tools More... Thanks
Step 2: Posing This is the stage of creating the key poses from your video shot. As they sound " key poses " are the most important poses of the shot. Step 3: Blocking This process is almost similar to posing though it is with the character being Animated. Once all the key poses are set. Blocking starts. This is the breaking down the movement from each pose to the next, these are the poses that connect the key poses. Remember at this stage the Animation is in a blocky motion don't worry. Step 4:Splinting, Smoothing and offset This is the process of converting the blocked Animation to a spline motion. This is the smoothing of the animation to movements that look real. Smoothing is more of cleaning up all animation curves or key frames. Offset is the finishing process. Step 5: Realism addition (Adding life) This is the most fun stage of animating. Here you are done with all the animations needed and you are fully happy with your animation. This is the addition of extra...
The 6 steps of Animation (character Animation) Let's get into the animating process. Here are the 6 basic steps of animation. Shooting reference video Key posing Blocking Splinting Smoothing Adding life Keep reading ..... Step 1: Shooting Reference video Though some animators overlook this step. It is the most important step for a perfect Animation. The physical action of characters is something that must be well analyzed before animating. Especially for beginners. For this process you can shot your own video or just download from different sources. Next Follow blog Thanks.
The blender foundation officially announces that the beta version of Blender 3.6 is out and the steady release will be for late June. Blender 3.6 will introduce Simulation Nodes Setting up particle-based simulations Upgraded UV Packing system Improved Cycles render Light linking etc. Download the beta version of Blender >>>> download blender 3.6 beta Follow us on Instagram >>>> instagram On Twitter >>>> twitter And you will open the door to amazing art... Thanks